Lateral Shear Interferometer ( LSI) is used for the measurement of the phase distortion of a laser beam propagating through the atmosphere, and for the detection of branch points. 文中就利用剪切干涉仪测量激光大气传输相位畸变的问题进行了探讨。
Analysis on the Error Characteristic of Modulated Phase Distortion in Fiber Optic Gyroscope 光纤陀螺仪调制相位的畸变误差特性分析扭曲排列的向列相畸变
The Study for Overcoming Phase Distortion in the Digital Phase Modulation 克服数字相位调制技术中相位失真的研究
The result has precisely zero phase distortion and magnitude modified by the square of the filter's magnitude response. 其结果是相位特性精确的为零,没有变形并且幅频特性被滤波器幅频特性的平方所改变。
The rigorous coupled-wave theory is used to analyze the characteristics of grating diffraction, and the results indicate that this method produces no phase distortion. 运用严格的光栅衍射耦合波理论分析光栅的衍射特性,发现该方案不会引入相位畸变。
Inverse Q filter be for stack is based on the attenuation model of Futterman. By correcting phase distortion of wavelet, compensating frequency and amplitude of seismic wave, the resolution of seismic data the signal to noise ratio are improved, and the events are more continuous. 叠前反Q滤波是以FUTTERMAN衰减模型为理论基础,校正地震子波相位拉伸,补偿地震波频率和振幅的损失,达到提高地震资料分辨率和信噪比及改善同相轴连续性的目的。
By using acetone ( 300mm in length) as the scattering medium, Q-switched laser output of 100 mJ which compensated phase distortion has been obtained. 使用有效长度为300mm的丙酮作散射介质,已获得补偿了相位畸变的100mJ以上调Q激光输出。
In this article we describe the composite π pulse sequence NMR with phase distortion and give a theoretical analysis. 描述了相位变形组合π脉冲序列核磁共振,进行了理论分析。
A back and forward filter with steeper transitional band was designed of ellipse function. It can remove nonlinear phase distortion caused by IIR filter. 利用椭圆函数滤波器较陡的过渡带特性设计前向和后向滤波器,消除由于IIR滤波器造成滤波后的数据相位非线性失真。
Generalized M~ 2 Factor of Laser Beams with Amplitude Modulations and Phase Distortion Passing Through Hard-Edge Apertures 有振幅调制和相位畸变光束通过硬边光阑的M~2因子
In the multi-carrier modulation of DMT communication system, both time domain and frequency domain equalizers are used to compensate for the magnitude and phase distortion within each subchannel. 在多载波DMT通信系统中,同时采用时域均衡器和频域均衡器来补偿各个子信道的幅度和相位失真。
The effect of amplitude distortion, phase distortion, amplitude and phase error on the performance of receiver is discussed in this paper, and a method of digital correction is proposed. 仔细分析了幅度失真、相位失真、幅相不一致性等对接收机性能的影响,提出了数字域校正的方法。通过计算机仿真,表明了该方法的可行性。
To minimize the frequency and phase distortion in a DTV transmitter in order to achieve best VSB frequency performance, a pre equalizer can be inserted into the modulator. 为了补偿数字电视发射机的频谱畸变与相位失真,以得到最佳的VSB频谱特性,可以在调制器中加入预均衡网络对频谱进行预畸变。
Study on phase distortion in degenerate four-wave mixing by means of perturbation approximation theory 用微扰近似理论研究简并四波混频过程中的相位畸变现象
The phase-compensated property of the conjugate wave was examined, and the phase distortion image was corrected by means of this property. The experimental results obtained agree with the theory. 验证了共轭波的位相补偿特性,并利用该特性校正了位相畸变的图象,得到了与理论相一致的实验结果。
It is shown that CR can compensate partly the phase distortion in inhomogeneous medium. 进一步证明这类腔能部分补偿腔内的折射率不均匀位相畸变。
Based on fractional sampling method, a new super-exponential iteration decision feedback blind equalization algorithm for severely nonlinear phase distortion channels was proposed. 因此针对严重频率衰落和非线性相位失真信道,提出了一种分数采样的混合盲均衡算法,并获得了较快的收敛速度和较小的剩余均方误差。
SBS phase conjugation can be used to compensate for the phase distortion in the high-power solid-state lasers. 利用SBS的相位共轭特性,可用来补偿上述高功率固体激光器的相位畸变。
So pulse compression based on stimulated Brillouin scattering can ensure the quality of beam is the same as the pump laser, after compensating the phase distortion. 因此,利用受激布里渊散射进行脉冲压缩,在满足激光功率的基础上,还能有效地补偿激光穿越工作物质和光学元件带来的光束相位畸变,保证了光束质量与泵浦光束质量相当。
Traditional adaptive optics is to use a single deformable mirror ( DM) compensation for the beam phase distortion. The more effective compensation is correcting the amplitude and phase distortion synchronously. 传统的自适应光学是应用单变形镜补偿光束的相位畸变为主,而最有效的补偿为对相位畸变和振幅畸变的全场补偿,双变形镜自适应光学系统是实现全场补偿的技术之一。
Because of OFDM system is very sensitive to frequency offset, and the propagation environment of wireless channel is poor, causing amplitude and phase distortion of the transmission signals, and limiting speed of them. 由于OFDM系统对频率偏移非常敏感,而无线信道传播环境恶劣,会引起传输信号幅度和相位的畸变,限制信号的传输速度,因此可靠的信道估计是OFDM系统实现高速数据通信的关键。
The other is with filters filter out some sidebands only leaving one sideband with data and one sideband without data to avoid phase distortion. 另一种是用滤波器滤除不需要的边带,只剩下我们需要的携带数据的边带和一个未携带数据的边带达到避免相位失真的目的。
Therefore, the correction of phase distortion has great significance on the focused beam, and the low-frequency phase of phase distortion determines the main lobe of focal spot. 因此,位相畸变的校正对光束聚焦具有重要的意义,其中位相畸变中的低频位相决定了焦斑的主瓣。
In the mobile communication system, the signal amplitude fading and phase distortion will occur when the actual signal transmitted by the radio channel. 在移动通信系统,实际信号经无线信道传输后都会发生信号幅度衰落和相位畸变。
What is different from cable channels is that wireless channel has a lot of randomness, and it results in the attenuation of received signal amplitude, phase distortion and frequency distortion, so this is a great challenge in the performance of the receiver. 无线信道比有线信道有着更大的随机特性,从而导致接收信号幅度的衰减,相位和频率的失真,对接收机的性能提出了很大的挑战。
Based on the least squares method and numerical simulation by MATLAB, the fitting ability of continuous surface deformable mirror ( DM) with discrete drive to the low-frequency phase distortion has been studied in this paper. 本文基于最小二分法,采用MATLAB进行数值模拟,就连续表面分立驱动变形镜对低频位相畸变的拟合能力进行了研究。
The phase distortion of RF FH-OFDM system is made up of phase jitter and spurs. We build the corresponding statistical model for them and analyze the impact one system performance. The unified Bit Error Rate ( BER) expression is made for MPSK modulation systems. FH-OFDM系统中的相位畸变的来源由相位抖动和杂散信号组成,确立了与之对应的统计模型,分析了相位畸变对系统性能的影响,得到了MPSK调制方式下统一的误码率表达式。
For the surface seismic survey, elevation, lithology, velocity, structure, etc. of near-surface will lead to seismic profiles phase distortion, greatly influences the image of stacked section and the structure, is an important factor constraining seismic exploration. 近地表层高程、岩性、速度、构造等对于地面地震勘探,会引起地震剖面相位的畸变,极大地影响着叠加剖面的成像和构造形态,是制约地震勘探的重要因素。
It also has established a numerical model of phase distribution, a preliminary discussion of the low-frequency pump wave front phase distortion on the phase of the signal. 另外还建立了位相分布数值模型,初步讨论了泵浦光的低频位相畸变对信号光波前位相的影响。
The other one was automatic pivot phase correction. The phase distortion of NMR spectra was computed by using the Brent method without derivative. 另一种为自动支点相位校正,模拟支点手动相位校正的实现过程,用不用导数的布伦特方法对目标函数进行两次一维优化,计算谱图的相位偏差,实现了支点相位校正自动化。